My Coaching Style

As a certified human potential coach, I help clients tap into their whole being - emotional, mental, physical, spiritual - to traverse any terrain of life - personal, relational, and professional - in pursuit of their desired destination. Human potential coaching is a holistic approach that combines health, personal development, performance, and life coaching.

I support clients by listening deeply, asking powerful questions, facilitating somatic awareness, sharing intuition, and offering resources in service of their desired outcomes, embodiment, and leadership. As a co-pilot, I offer a mirror, a magnifying glass, a probe, and some resources of my own. Coaching isn’t therapy, consulting or mentoring and does not aim to prevent, cure, or treat any mental disorder or medical disease. Coaching is non-hierarchical and all about capacity building.

I’ve helped clients with goals to write their dissertation, redefine their work-life balance, and expand their emotional intelligence.

Coaching Formats

Sessions usually last 45-60 minutes. I host most sessions over Zoom, a web-based video conference tool, because it makes our coaching accessible from nearly anywhere in the world with a solid wifi connection. I’m happy to connect through other virtual media (phone, Skype, FaceTime, Google Hangouts, etc.). If we are in the same physical area (see “Current Location” below), I’d love to meet in person!

Test Drive

You are ready for an upgrade. You are looking for clarity or want to try coaching.

2 month commitment

You set frequency

Rate per session


You know your destination. You are ready to start the journey.

3 month commitment

Up to 12 sessions

Rate per journey


You know your destination. You are ready for the finish line.

1 month +

At least weekly

Rate per result

Considering it? Let’s chat.

We connect. Orient to where you’re headed. See if we “click.” Plan what’s next. There’s no charge for this.

Schedule a session

Before we start, please note…


If financial barriers exist, we can discuss options when we connect for the first time.


Before scheduling a first session, please review a sample coaching agreement.


As a Coach, I hold to the code of ethical practice established by the International Coach Federation (ICF). Please take a look at the code and feel free to ask me directly about them if you would like to discuss further.

Every time I see Blake it is such a reminder of how far I have come since we started working together. It’s not that he did the work for me, it’s that he showed me that I am more than capable of bringing my dreams to reality. 

- Sia N.,, North Carolina